The following events were organized and convened by Monsoon Assemblages between 2016 and 2021.
Monsoonal Multuplicities Events Programme
During March 2021, Monsoon Assemblages convened a series of six online events to co-incide with the launch of the virtual exhibition Monsoonal Multplicities. These events were:
Event #1 Monsoonal Multiplicities Exhibition Opening
Monsoonal Multiplicities, the online exhibition by Monsoon Assemblages was opened with remarks by historian Sunil Amrith and planner Dilip da Cunha. At the event, an artists’ residency programme, in which artists were asked to take up residence in the online exhibition and respond to the question ‘How is London a Monsoonal City?’
Online Event
04 March 2021
Recording available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.

Event #2 Practicing Architecture Otherwise
In our climate-changing, virus infected, ecocidal, financialised times, does architecture have any special privilege to remain the same? This panel discussion invited the audience to discuss this question with a panel of architects and spatial practitioners who have moved with the immigrant, the policy maker, the carbon and the weather and made them part of their spatial and architectural imaginaries and practices.
Online Panel Discussion
11 March 2021
Recording available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Event #3 East India Company Walking Tour
A Walking Tour with Leila Redpath conveying both the ingenuity and ruthlessness of the EIC and the ways it shaped our world today.
13 March 2021
Event #4 How is London a Monsoonal City?
Artists Residency Workshop. An online workshop when artists participating in the Monsoonal Multiplicities artist residency discussed their work and opened it for discussion with each other and members of the audience.
18 March 2021
Recording available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Event #5 Cultures of Climate Change Workshop
A workshop facilitated by the MONASS researchers and project partners in Chennai, Dhaka and Yangon to open questions raised by the Monsoon Assemblages project for debate.
25 March 2021
Recording available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Event #6 Monsoonal MultiplicitiesEvents Closure
This event ended the series of online events that accompanied the launch of the Monsoonal Multiplicities exhibition. The Head of the School of Architecture + Cities at the University of Westminster, Harry Charrington, offered remarks on the potential impact of the Monsoon Assemblages project on architectural teaching and practice. At the event, a video of the Monsoonal Multiplicities artist residency was premiered and an Instagram series on the work the artists produced launched. [].
29 March 2021
Recording available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Videos of the Artists Residency are available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.

Monsoon [+ other] Grounds
The third symposium convened by Monsoon Assemblages invited contributions on the monsoon as a seasonal designer of the earth, its grounds, its terrestrial ecosystems and its politics. The keynote address was by anthropologist Tim Ingold.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
21-22 March 2019
Recordings available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Celebrating Geoffrey Bawa
An event co-convened with Friends of Sri Lanka to celebrate the work of Sri Lankan architect, Geoffrey Bawa.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
13March 2019
Design Agency within Earth Systems
A symposium co-organised by Monsoon Assemblages, the AA Landscape Urbanism programme and teh Greenwich Landscape Architecture programme that reflected on the complicity of design in the destruction of the planet.
Architectural Association, London.
26 October 2018
Recordings available here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Monsoon [+ other] Waters
The second symposium convened by Monsoon Assemblages engaged in conversations about the ontologies, epistemologies, histories, politics, practices and spatialities of monsoon waters.Keynote speakers were landscape architect and planner Anuradha Mathur and Dilip da Cunha and anthropologist Kirsten Blinkenberg Hastrup.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
12-13 April 2018
Recordings available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Architecture Research Forum
Lindsay Bremner, Beth Cullen and Christina Geros reported on fieldwork conducted in Chennai in July and August 2017.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
19 October 2017

Monsoon [+ other] Airs
The first symposium convened by Monsoon Assemblages interrogated questions of monsoon atmospheres, politics and media. The keynote address was by architect Sean Lally.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
20-21 April 2018
Recordings available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.
Monsoon Assemblages Seminar 03
Niranjana Ramesh, PhD candidate, UCL.
Techno-politics of urban water: the case of desalination in London and Chennai.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
18 November 2016
Monsoon Assemblages Seminar 02
Vaishali Enos, MSc, University of Westminster.
Resilient Urban Edges: Adaptive and Mitigative Strategies in Chennai.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
21 October 2016
Monsoon Assemblages Seminar 01
Dr. Tomas Holderness, Research Associate, MIT.
Imploding the Post-Disaster Information Vacuum: Crowd-sourcing a real-time flood map for Indonesia.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
23 September 2016
Monsoon Assemblages Launch
The project was launched by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Westminster, Professor Geoffrey Petts, with Dr Susannah Hagan’s AHRC funded ‘Public Space and the Role of the architect in London and Sao Paolo.
School of Architecture + Cities, University of Westminster, London.
4 October 2016
Recording available on the Monsoon Assemblages YouTube channel here.