I am very pleased to welcome Christina Geros to the Monsoon Assemblages team as Research Fellow. Christina joined us while we were undertaking field work in Chennai in July and has just returned to the London office.
Christina is an architect, landscape architect and urban designer educated at the University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design and Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. She was previously the design director of anexact office and the design research strategist for PetaBancana.id., an applied research project in Jakarta, Indonesia. As a Fulbright National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellow based in Jakarta, Christina’s work used written, photographic, and videographic methods to communicate complex urban issues to a global public audience. Working with the PetaBencana.id research team, she investigated, mapped, and blogged about the realities and impacts of the eviction and relocation cycles that result from “normalization” efforts across the city. Recently she contributed to two films featuring issues of urbanism and landscape of southeast Asia: “Is the City a Laboratory?” a 90-minute two-channel film produced with Dr. Etienne Turpin and, “The Same River, Twice: a film about torrential urbanisms” produced with the PetaBencana.id team. Her work has been featured in several publications, including WIRED, Landscape Architecture Frontiers and Harvard GSD Platform 6,7, and 8.
Christina joins MONASS as a designer and design research strategist and will be working alongside Lindsay Bremner and Beth Cullen to develop the spatial strategies and visual language of the project.

Christina Geros