We are delighted to announce that the culminating book of the Monsoon Assemblages project, Monsoon as Method: Assembling Monsoonal Multiplicities, is now published. It is available for purchase from the publisher, ACTAR’s website here and will be available from other online bookstores shortly.
We will launch Monsoon as Method on line on 8 June, when guests Karen Coelho (who wrote the foreword to the book), Pamila Gupta, Ed Wall, Alfredo Ramirez Galindo and Jonathan Cane will discuss it with contributors Lindsay Bremner, Christina Geros, Harshavardhan Bhat, Anthony Powis and John Cook.
Sunil Amrith, author of Unruly Waters: How Monsoon Rivers and Monsoons Have Shaped South Asia’s History writes of the book: “This book is visually sumptuous, dazzlingly creative, and theoretically revolutionary. Lindsay Bremner and her collaborators have given us a wholly new way of seeing how the monsoon is embedded in, and transformed by, the history of extraction in South Asia.”
Ozayr Saloojee, Associate Professor in the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism at Carleton University, Canada writes: “Architects and landscape architects should take special note of this brilliant and vital work; it is nothing short of remarkable.”
To attend the online book launch, please register on Eventbright here.